Wednesday, 29 January 2014

It's 'Snow' Problem being at home. Make the most of it!

It may be a snow day and we may be 'stuck' at home but that doesn't mean you have to be bored! Here are some great ways to keep your child busy, engaged and learning!

1) Make some play-doh and strengthen those little hands! We whip it up at school in no time. Here is my simple recipe.


1/2 cup of salt
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
1 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of oil
Food coloring


Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a pan.
Mix the water with the food coloring.
Add the water/color-mix to the other ingredients, stir well.
Cook on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, while constantly stiring.
When the mixture becomes “doughy”, remove from heat and start kneading. (the dough will be hot, so mind your hands)
When desired texture is achieved, the playdough is finished, enjoy!

2) Pick a colour, say red, and have your child hunt around the house for items that colour.

 3) Pick a number, say 4. Ask your child to go and get 4 of something, say books. Then repeat with either the same number or a new number!! *younger children will need help with this and may only be able to collect items as high as 3, possibly 5. You also don't need to use number cards, like in the picture.

4) Play 'I Spy' using the Phonetic Alphabet. Say a sound to your child, say 'a' and have them look for an item around the house that starts with 'a'. Maybe and apple! Here's a video of the correct way to say the phonetic sounds of the alphabet.

5) Relax! See this day as a gift rather than a hassle. Enjoy the extra time with your child and just relax. Snuggle, read stories, have a conversation, observe them while they play, bake some cookies, have a nap, watch your favourite movie. Just be together and embrace a day away from busy schedules. You deserve it!

I'm warm at home getting ready to work on homebooks! If you have yet to return yours to school please do so by Friday.

Miss Kate

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