Thursday, 12 September 2013

A Leap of Faith!

Some could say that the first week back to school was met with mixed reviews. If you were to stand on the edge of the school yard and observe each of the children as they arrive, along with the parents and the teachers I suspect you would of seen many emotions being shared through body language, facial expressions and the tone of voice being used. Up until this year I, myself could say that the first day of school meant some anxiety and a few butterflies, but for some reason none of that was present this year. I think that this sense of security and confidence presented itself for a few reasons.

 Firstly, I had been in and out of the school all summer tutoring so I had seen many of the returning children while they were enjoying summer camp. Secondly, for the first time in my whole teaching career I was returning to a classroom that hadn't been tampered with over the summer (ie. it didn't get all packed up so the room could undergo renovations) and it was exactly as the children and I left it in June. Of course a few things have changed and been tweaked as the prepared environment always requires that the directress pay close attention to detail, but overall the layout of the room remains the same. It is familiar. It is comfortable. And thirdly, the school itself has a feel to it much like that of a family. The faces of the staff are friendly, the trickling water in the fish pond is soothing and the smell of baking from the kitchen make it feel more like a home than a school. This would make Maria Montessori proud as it is exactly what she wanted. Because you see Casa means home in Italian. You have chosen a "Casa dei Bambini" for your child. A Children's House.

I'm not sure how you came to make this decision but I'm sure there were many factors. I suspect that parenting is much like taking a leap and then feeling like you're suspended in the air waiting to see if you've made the right choices for your child. We take leaps of faith all the time. Some big. Some small.  A year ago I took a big leap of faith and uprooted my whole life and moved it to Owen Sound. Before moving here I lived and worked in my hometown of Kingston. Everyone there knows me as Montessori Kate. You see, there aren't many Montessori directresses in any given town so you get known amongst your community. Montessori Martha, who is now my good friend, knew of me and my reputation had preceded me so hiring me was easy. She had parent references who backed me up as a directress. She even sent someone to watch me in the classroom! Jennifer, on the other hand, had only what I could tell her. I showed her a few pictures of me teaching and I had a long interview with her but that was it. She trusted her gut and here we are today. In the same token you are having to trust what we are telling you about school and your child's development.

 As we get through this first month of school I hope your feet hit ground and you have a sense of happiness in the choice you made for your child. There are still a few tears in the morning but smiles have been seen at the end of the day and friendships are being formed. The new children are quickly becoming members of the group and our school family is being solidified. Here is a beautiful picture of us all working independently, yet together.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Kate

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you so much for sharing your story Kate. For us the first day of school was much anticipated, for Olina, was not soon enough. She was asking to go to school for the last two weeks of August. What a profound change in her since beginning her Montessori attendance. In dropping her to public JK, last year, we were met with much anxiety, fear and tears on a daily basis, as we both knew this was not the place for her.
    Dropping her off to Riverforest was the first time in her life I have been met with peace in knowing that I was leaving her in good hands and that the right decision had been made. Thank-you so much Kate for this comfort and we are looking forward to a great year.

