Monday, 16 September 2013

Crayons, Cookies and Cooperation start with 'C'

We had a wonderful week! The children became even more settled in and we were able to work together on Friday to make some delicious oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies and as the title of the this blog states, cookies start with 'c'. 'C' was our sound of the week. I've start a new thing this year where each week we will display a different sandpaper letter and find objects in our classroom that start with this sound. This weeks sound is 'd'. Today we found a dog, donut, deer and duck. I would also encourage that you play sound games with your child at home. Please remember that we never talk about the name of a letter but rather the phonetic sound it makes. After all, the name of the letter won't help your child when it comes to reading! Here is our display of 'c'. . .

Cube, Carrot, Crayon, Canada and Coin!

Cooperation was also a huge this week. I put a new activity out on the shelf and naturally the children were drawn to it. Soon almost the whole class was working together with the connectors and straws. The work started off peaceful as the children explored this new activity. As they became more comfortable fitting the straws and connectors together to make shapes, communication started happening as they had to start sharing ideas and materials. Only once did I need to step in and help with a dispute. This was truly a beautiful moment that I was able to capture with a few photos. My next post will share more about cooperation and how you can foster this essential skill at home.

We ended our week with a five minute video of the story "Harold and the Purple Crayon". We've been practicing proper pencil grip since the first day of school and the children all noticed that Harold didn't hold his crayon correctly. Here's a little song we sing in the classroom to help us remember. . .

"Pick up a crayon, pick up a crayon.
It is easy to do. 
Pick up crayon. I just tell my fingers what to do. 
My thumb is bent, pointer points to the tip, tall man uses his side. 
I tuck the last two fingers in and take them for a ride."

You could sing this at home too!

Miss Kate

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